24 October 2007

Oakland Cemetery

Sunday before last, my mom and Jonathan picked me up to go to Candler Park Fall Festival, take pictures at Oakland Cemetery, and eat dinner at Nickiemoto's.

We parked on Sky's street to go to the festival and walked. Sky decided to come with, so that was nice since I don't see him that much these days (what with me living in Marietta and him not having a car). The festival was fun, and there was a lot of cool stuff, but I'm pretty broke. We had overpriced, overcooked gyros and water ice, and I had a beer poured down my back. Sweet! I did get the business card of this lady from Decatur who does cartoon-y animal portraits. Perhaps our furry beasts will be immortalized in her style some day.

After the Fall Fest, we said bye to Sky and headed down to Oakland Cemetery. What a daunting task it appeared to be when I first stood at the gates. The place is huge - a whopping 88 acres. At its purchase in 1850, the then 'Atlanta Graveyard' or 'City Burial Place' was only six acres. For more on its history, check out the official website maintained by The Historic Oakland Foundation. Here is the link to my flickr set. Be sure to check out the captions; I described and explained some of the things I photographed. Below are a few of my favorites (click for detail; they were uploaded at original size!): Dinner at Nickimoto's was absolutely delicious, especially after all that walking. Nothing like some $1 sushi and a good Cosmo. :]


mike said...

I am struggling to comprehend why it is you dines at a place with a strange name when you could have just gone across the street to Six Feet Under and had yourself some cold beer and catfish.

Especially if said catfish would have been served blackened.

mike said...

(Dined as opposed to dines)

hvbc said...

Two reasons:

1. My parents were the planners of the day. When they come down to ATL, especially on a Sunday (that's $1 sushi night), they like to go to Nickiemoto's. Since it still isn't all that cheap, they were paying, and it's delicious, I was not complaining.

2. They don't like eating fried things, and Six Feet Under is basically all fried seafood and booze.