02 October 2007

Bjork, Amy, Knocked Up...

The Bjork pictures are trapped on my camera. I accidentally left the memory card out of the camera that night and can't find the USB cable for it. The pictures are terrible anyway since I couldn't use flash at The Fox. But yeah, whenever I can find that USB cable in the sea of crap that is my office, I'll post them.

MySpace is a son-of-a-bitch.
I recently started talking to my best friend from when I went to Wheeler, Amy Allrid (now Burkeen). We basically haven't seen each other since 1999, and we hung out for the first time on September 18th.

We went to eat Mexican food at a place on Roswell Road and then went to hang out at her house afterward. Nothing spectacular, but it was nice and we had fun. Then we hung out this past Tuesday (September 25th). We got coffee and went shopping (see story in the other blog). She met Rich last Thursday when we had her over for dinner. We ate chicken/steak quesadillas made by Chef Rich and watched Knocked Up.
I really liked Knocked Up. It got a 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is insane. I've loved Seth Rogen ever since Freaks and Geeks, so I couldn't wait to see this. A lot of people hated the movie because they couldn't believe that the characters would realistically be together due to their physical appearances. Who wouldn't want to cuddle Seth Rogen? No one I want to be friends with! He's a big cuddly bear! A lot of people also hated it because they thought it was misogynistic. People need to loosen the fuck up. The humor was right up my alley.

This is a lame update as far as amount of content goes, but there will be another post about this past weekend soon...


Anonymous said...

i was going to comment on the other blog but it wouldn't let me. that is the most organized i have ever seen any bedroom you have ever had. it's awesome.

philologic said...

I loved that movie. I have Freaks and Geeks in my netflix queue and expect it soon.

hvbc said...

KT: I fixed the settings on that blog. I guess I overlooked it during setup.

SB: It's so good...I actually have to get the DVDs because there are episodes toward the end that weren't out anywhere until the DVDs came out...