28 August 2007

Pre-vacation wrap up...

I got a ridiculous amount of stuff done around the house this past weekend. I bought the grill cover, hung one of the two pegboard pieces in the kitchen, reupholstered two of the remaining three kitchen chairs, and did every stitch of dirty laundry in the house. I just made another blog for my domestic conquests, and many of the things I mentioned will be seen there.

Comcast had Joint Security Area and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance On Demand this month, so I re-watched both so Rich could see them. They were just as, if not more amazing than I remembered, and I'm going to re-watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy with Rich sometime in the near future.

We also caught Bob Saget's new HBO special "That Ain't Right" and it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I had heard him a lot on Opie and Anthony and was always surprised at how dirty he was, but seeing him be that dirty for a straight hour is truly a sight to behold. And yes, he does make fun of Full House.
Gray Ghost had a show on Sunday, and it went really well. Big ups to Kevin, Jill, Eric, Charity, Ben, Laura, Vince, and JR for making the trek out to Lawrenceville! Kevin video taped their set and Brittany took pictures. Here are some of the pictures Brittany took:
Sorry to be such a picture whore, but my husband AND my brother are in this band! :]

Tonight is Behemoth (with 3 Inches of Blood, Hatebreed, and Lamb of God) at the Tabernacle. We still haven't packed for Florida and we're leaving at like 5 AM tomorrow. Whoops!

Ben and Eric went to OzzFest in North Carolina yesterday to support the dudes in Daath, and Ben took a picture of Nergal from Behemoth without his corpse paint and wearing only cargo shorts. It made me want to cry:In any event, we're off to five days of food and fun with my grandparents in Florida. We're bringing Bronson, too, and we're so excited! We leave tomorrow and will be back on Monday night.


1 comment:

philologic said...

Awww. That's so cute that they're in a band together. My boyfriend was in a band with my brother at one point. That was a long while ago. I've had Oldboy at my house for I don't even know how long and I still haven't watched it. I need to get off my ass and start doing some things, such as alphabetize my dvds for one and some crafts for another.