28 August 2007

Pre-vacation wrap up...

I got a ridiculous amount of stuff done around the house this past weekend. I bought the grill cover, hung one of the two pegboard pieces in the kitchen, reupholstered two of the remaining three kitchen chairs, and did every stitch of dirty laundry in the house. I just made another blog for my domestic conquests, and many of the things I mentioned will be seen there.

Comcast had Joint Security Area and Sympathy for Lady Vengeance On Demand this month, so I re-watched both so Rich could see them. They were just as, if not more amazing than I remembered, and I'm going to re-watch Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance and Oldboy with Rich sometime in the near future.

We also caught Bob Saget's new HBO special "That Ain't Right" and it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I had heard him a lot on Opie and Anthony and was always surprised at how dirty he was, but seeing him be that dirty for a straight hour is truly a sight to behold. And yes, he does make fun of Full House.
Gray Ghost had a show on Sunday, and it went really well. Big ups to Kevin, Jill, Eric, Charity, Ben, Laura, Vince, and JR for making the trek out to Lawrenceville! Kevin video taped their set and Brittany took pictures. Here are some of the pictures Brittany took:
Sorry to be such a picture whore, but my husband AND my brother are in this band! :]

Tonight is Behemoth (with 3 Inches of Blood, Hatebreed, and Lamb of God) at the Tabernacle. We still haven't packed for Florida and we're leaving at like 5 AM tomorrow. Whoops!

Ben and Eric went to OzzFest in North Carolina yesterday to support the dudes in Daath, and Ben took a picture of Nergal from Behemoth without his corpse paint and wearing only cargo shorts. It made me want to cry:In any event, we're off to five days of food and fun with my grandparents in Florida. We're bringing Bronson, too, and we're so excited! We leave tomorrow and will be back on Monday night.


26 August 2007

A non-inflammatory writ...

Thanks to Mike, I have a ticket to see Miss Joanna Newsom perform in November. She's bringing her orchestra on tour again, and it's in the theater which the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra performs.

Mike and KT have both seen her, but I've had hard luck doing so in the past. She would be in Atlanta while I was in Texas, and then when I tried to go in Austin, it sold out before I could get tickets. BUT NOW not only will I see her, I will see her with her orchestra, and I will see her with the best possible sound for the situation.

23 August 2007

Balancing academia, domesticity, and fabulousness.

My transfer credits have all gone through for my online classes. I was pissed off at how little I got (58 out of 99 hours), but when it was explained to me it sounded a lot better. I'm basically getting a complete GPA makeover because I'm a transfer student and my prior GPA doesn't count. Talk about a second chance (although this means I still have about two years left).

Even though I don't start until October, I've already picked World War II history and Human Sexuality for this session. World War II will give me an opportunity to learn more about the war in the Pacific (because, as everyone knows, I've always been obsessed with the Nazi aspect of the war). Human Sexuality seems like it will be a simple social psych class. Score.

I just started reading Deathbeds, and quite frankly, I'm not nearly as interested or impressed with the new poetry as I am with the prose he included. Stupid asshole kids are buying this for over $140 on ebay because it was limited to 1000 copies. I don't know whether I hate the people selling them on ebay or the idiots who will actually shell out that much money for a book they can borrow from their brother (as I am) more. I don't know...I'll expound upon this when I'm finished with it.

The house has been coming along quite well. The office and two bedrooms actually look like an office and two bedrooms. The office, which is the smallest room in the house, now looks BIG to me when I'm in it. All clothing, save a small pile of my things and a large pile of Rich's things, is put away.

Projects coming up:
  • Refinish dresser, vanity, three mirrors, and two tables
  • Construct a pegboard organizational system in the kitchen for pots, pans, and utensils
  • Finish reupholstering the chairs in the kitchen
  • Buy the spoon rest that matches my Fiesta Ware - I am sick of looking at the shitty one on the stove
  • Buy a cover for the badass grill

My mom's cat will be staying with us while she's in Brasil. We picked him up last night, and he is not pleased with his situation. All of my babies want to meet him so badly, but he hasn't left the safety that is under-the-bed since I brought him into my room last night.

This is him in the window sill:
My optometrist appointment got moved to today, so I will probably be ordering the glasses this evening. I tried them on at Lens Crafters on Monday, and they were just as amazing in person as I thought they were in pictures. Rich hates them and thinks they are gaudy (which seems to be the general consensus among males) , but every female I know thinks they're wonderful. I must have fabulousness on my face.

That is all.

20 August 2007

My new facial attachment for the next couple of years...

I have found myself with vision coverage (holy shit, yes!) for the first time since I was on my mom's insurance.
I have been quite enamored of a specific set of frames for quite some time now.
Problem was, I only saw them on the Lens Crafters website, and guess who doesn't take my insurance?
When I got my vision card, I started to call places and ask if they carried or if they could order Bvlgari frames.
Most places do not.

A few weeks later, I get the idea that I should actually be searching Atlanta (and not Marietta) optometrists, so that I get the upscale Buckhead results.
They carry Bvlgari and can order whatever pair I want.
I have my eye exam tomorrow.

Since I have to order them from this place (and won't be able to try them on there), I'm going to Lens Crafters tonight to try them on.
I've even called to make sure they have the right color and everything.
So what do these epic frames look like, anyway?

16 August 2007

First post

This is mostly so that I can see what my layout looks like...but here is something funny anyway:
I love the site www.passiveaggressivenotes.com
When I went to Kevin and Laura's last night, she totally had a passive aggressive note on the fridge, so I took a picture of it and sent it to the site.

Here is the picture:
