11 March 2008

Oh, herro!

Long time no see.
No point in making a huge update.
Perhaps I will use this thing more now that I'm getting a handle on being extremely busy...

Things that make me happy:

  • I lost 10 lbs.
  • I turned 24 and had a great time on my birthday: Ru San's + laser tag + whirly ball.
  • I got a promotion and a raise in January - work is absolutely insane and I love it.
  • My wonderful husband gave me a wonderful Valentine's Day: flowers + Two Urban Licks + Mets batting practice jersey.
  • I've paid down my credit cards by over $1,000.
  • I have a savings account that actually has money in it.
  • I'm in love with my new dresses.
  • I'm going to New York twice in three months - in May to be in Jackie's wedding, in July to see At the Gates.
  • Carla invited me to go to the Caribbean with her - I just have to buy the plane ticket!